Read more about the article Why Akaroa is Absolutely the Best Place for a New Zealand History Tour
Visit the MOST important historic sites in New Zealand that tell the complete settlement story from one tour.

Why Akaroa is Absolutely the Best Place for a New Zealand History Tour

Did you know that Akaroa is the best place for a New Zealand History Tour? With 5 significant historic sites that tell the complete settlement story of New Zealand, all within a few minutes drive from each other? One of those sites is as important than the Treaty of Waitangi Grounds (argued by some historians to be more important!).

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Read more about the article Comte de Paris Akaroa 1840, French Royalty to New Wilderness
Painting of the Comte de Paris & the Aube by artist Paul Deacon.

Comte de Paris Akaroa 1840, French Royalty to New Wilderness

Comte de Paris was the Nanto Bordelaise Company's 501-tonne sailing ship that carried the French and German settlers to a new home in Akaroa, New Zealand. Leaving poverty in France they headed to a new wilderness, and to the first planned European settlement in the South Island, today many of their descendants remain and have formed the Comte de Paris descendants group.

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Read more about the article Discover Awesome School History in Akaroa for Ages 1-100
Akaroa children learning about the natural history of Akaroa, how did this place look pre-human?

Discover Awesome School History in Akaroa for Ages 1-100

School history in Akaroa, is available to children of all ages and abilities, they can and should learn history, stories help kids connect to place and make informed decisions for…

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Read more about the article Discover the Remarkable Akaroa History.
French Descendants Celebrate their History while Proudly being New Zealand Citizens under the British Crown.

Discover the Remarkable Akaroa History.

Akaroa history is incredibly rich, Māori waves of exploration, settlement and conquest, rich culture and traditions as well as inter-tribal warfare and bloody massacres. European trading, sealing and whaling led…

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Read more about the article School trips Akaroa builds positive connections and understanding of New Zealand’s incredible history
Give your students the experience of making connections and better understanding the world around them.

School trips Akaroa builds positive connections and understanding of New Zealand’s incredible history

School trips Akaroa - here's a school education trip that ticks all the boxes: Including local New Zealand history, Maori culture, in depth knowledge that allows learners to make connections…

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