Be The change you wish to see
About the seventh generation
In all your actions, think of
after you, and that came before
About The Seventh Generation Principle:
An Indigenous Concept, to think of the seventh generation coming after you in your words, work and actions, and to remember the seventh generation who came before.
Based on an ancient philosophy of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Iroquois), recognized as the oldest democracy in the world and believed to be the model of the American Constitution, the foundation document of the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth.
About Akaroa nature and history tours
Guided by a seventh generation French descendant, who takes you on a fascinating journey. From Akaroa on human arrival, through the major events that shaped the nation, to a vision of how Akaroa could be seven generations into the future, leaving you with hope.
Akaroa is unique in New Zealand in having a grouping of five of the most important historic sites in the country that tell a complete settlement story, from first Polynesians, intertribal warfare, the Treaty of Waitangi, imperial rivalry, indigenous land claims, Akaroa has it all!
Visit the stunning Akaroa Nature Heritage Park, internationally important Hinewai Reserve, the community led Wildside Project, areas of significant Natural Quiet and understand the ecological concepts behind it all.
With a natural born storyteller, lifetime historian and trained ecologist, you will be astounded at the richness and diversity of the nature and history of Akaroa, and want to come back for more.
Literally meaning to dig your toes in, to put down your roots, to know where you belong.
By knowing your place in the world, and the stories that connect you to that place, you know who you are.
Guardianship, to protect that which you love for future generations.
An energy that rises from knowing where you connect to place, that gives you the power to protect from your heart.
Hospitality, to welcome, share kai/food, make people feel welcomed whereever they are from.
To tell great stories, that connect people to place, and to give the gift of understanding, so that you leave my place better.