Read more about the article Inspiring Aotearoa NZ Histories Teacher Training PD | Akaroa
Aotearoa NZ Histories School Trip Takapuneke

Inspiring Aotearoa NZ Histories Teacher Training PD | Akaroa

NEW Aotearoa NZ Histories Curriculum 2023 Inspiring Trips for Teacher Training | Akaroa Akaroa has a set of historic sites that Harry Evison described as having a richer set of narratives than Waitangi. Close to Canterbury schools and the ideal place to go on a school camp or field trip, Akaroa is the place to go for the NEW Aotearoa NZ Histories Curriculum. Marie Haley is the expert local guide in history and ecology and is able to tailor the content of the trips to fit any audience and subject area. Teacher Training PD days are vital to help inspire teachers as they integrate the new curriculum into their subject areas. Make the most of this opportunity by booking your school today.

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Read more about the article Best Innovative New Tourism Experience with an Akaroa Tour 360 VR Film!
Take a Akaroa tour 360 Virtual Reality with The Seventh Generation and Virtual Journeys

Best Innovative New Tourism Experience with an Akaroa Tour 360 VR Film!

Se excited to introduce possibly the first Virtual Reality 360 tour of Akaroa with The Seventh Generation - explore and connect to this place in a new and zero impact way!

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Read more about the article Takapūneke Reserve Opening – Enormous Historical Significance on the First Matariki Maori Celebration
Maori Celebration Matariki CCC Mayor

Takapūneke Reserve Opening – Enormous Historical Significance on the First Matariki Maori Celebration

Takapūneke is as important as Waitangi - the South Island’s preeminent historic site. Significantly on this very first public holiday Maori celebration of Matariki, Takapūneke Reserve was officially opened with…

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Read more about the article Introducing The Seventh Generation Principle – to  Promote True Sustainability
American Indian ceremonial dancer in all of their amazing colors and details at a Pow-wow with storyteller Marie Haley of The Seventh Generation.

Introducing The Seventh Generation Principle – to Promote True Sustainability

The Seventh Generation Principle is an American Indian and Indigenous Concept to think of the seventh generation after you and those that came before in all your actions. This principle has guided my life and my storytelling with my regenerative tourism business The Seventh Generation. I am also the seventh generation of the French settlers to Akaroa, the first European planned settlement in the South Island.

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Read more about the article Discover Awesome School History in Akaroa for Ages 1-100
Akaroa children learning about the natural history of Akaroa, how did this place look pre-human?

Discover Awesome School History in Akaroa for Ages 1-100

School history in Akaroa, is available to children of all ages and abilities, they can and should learn history, stories help kids connect to place and make informed decisions for…

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