Akaroa tour 360 has just been filmed in early November 2022 – Watch this Space for a link possibly the FIRST full 360 HD Virtual Reality Tour of Akaroa! To be released in early 2023.
Virtual Journeys are all about connecting people, where ever they are in the world with unique locations, for Akaroa’s #1 expert local guide Marie Haley this is about more than just the scenery, but connecting people with the whenua the land, the natural quiet, the forest and birds and history that makes this place absolutely unique.
This is about authentic regenerative tourism from the comfort of your own home, with zero impact upon our beautiful world. Follow this link to read more about our 100% commitment to leading the way on regenerative tourism that heals our planet for the seventh generation coming after us.
Akaroa Tour 360 Interview with Marie Haley
Virtual Journeys New Zealand
Virtual Journeys is leading the way with regenerative tourism in New Zealand, check out the other films that they have done around Aotearoa New Zealand.
This is in alignment with our research with the Sustainability and Resilience Institute of New Zealand, documenting trends of regenerative and authentic tourism that connects people to place, physically, mentally and spiritually so they make a deeper connection and go beyond being a tourist.

Fun to Film in 360
Filming an Akaroa Tour in 360 is a different experience than to a point and shoot camera. Your guests can experience the whole surroundings in a way that conventional cameras just can’t capture. Guests can actually look around while you are talking which is a much more immersive experience and one that leads your brain to believe that you are actually there in person, experiencing the real deal.
This is a huge honour and a responsibility to share my home for the first time in this way, being mindful to take the time to connect guests to the peace and tranquility of Akaroa and Banks Peninsula, to make that connection to a landscape that ordinarily could only be done with a in person tour.

Akaroa Tour 360 Release Date
Filming occurred over a couple of days in early November and the material is now in post-production stage of editing and sound track, we’re excited to see the final film and share that with you. The release date will be in early 2023 and we can’t wait to share the trailer with you wide and far!
Watch this Space!
There is so much more to come from The Seventh Generation, we do after all take the long view to protect and enhance for the seventh generation coming after us, this allows us to hold a vision of how beautiful and abundant Akaroa and Banks Peninsula will be in seven generations to come, and to understand that this is the first time in human history that we as a global species are starting to protect the natural environment for it’s own sake, and so that we have a safe and secure home to live upon.
Isn’t that great! We’re thinking outside of our own immediate needs and our own immediate greeds. And that is a space that is adaptable, creative and resilient. It is far beyond immediate gain, and steps into a place of living to care, healing ourselves by healing the land. While this film is a great first step, I am relentlessly passionate about reconnecting people to place, and there own turangawaewae, their own place to stand firm and strong.
There will be much more to come from us!